Southeastern Trust Co. Partners with CFC Academy

September 12, 2019

Southeastern Trust Co. Partners with CFC Academy

The Chattanooga Football Club Academy (CFCA) makes it their mission to work alongside Chattanoogans for the betterment of our community. Southeastern Trust Company is proud to be the title sponsor of CFCA’s Identification and Development Program (IDP) and Scenic City League. The IDP was launched in 2015 as a way to provide a better training environment and structure to more committed players at an earlier age. The Scenic City League is an effort led by Chattanooga FC Academy to provide more game-like opportunities to players without the extra cost and pressure of tournament play.

Through a unified system of coaches, teams, training, and facilities, Chattanooga FC Academy serves all youth regardless of race, creed or socioeconomic background. Southeastern Trust Company is delighted to partner with CFCA in creating low-cost opportunities for Chattanooga’s youth to improve their soccer skills and grow in the discipline of teamwork and dedication to their sport.

“Chattanooga FC Academy is dedicated to fostering a stronger community and better soccer culture in the Tennessee Valley. That would not be possible without the support of so many partners who also believe in what we’re building. Support from companies like Southeastern Trust Company helps us make high-level youth soccer more affordable to more kids who take pride in wearing CFC blue!”
Steve Hirayama
Director of Coaching
Chattanooga FC Academy

We at Southeastern Trust Company share with Chattanooga FC Academy a commitment to Chattanooga families. We are an independent boutique wealth management firm serving families across the region

“At Southeastern Trust Company, we are dedicated to helping our clients reach their goals. We love that CFCA is dedicated to each of their players and we are excited to see the academy continue to grow in presence and community impact in the years to come.”
Bart Rolen
Chief Executive Officer
Southeastern Trust Company

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1 Union Square, Suite 600
Chattanooga, TN 37402
